Saturday, January 12, 2008


30 mins recumbent bike
12 mins tread mill
20 mins recumbent bike
total cardio=62 mins

10g BCAA's

5 warm up sets leg extensions
2 warm up sets standing leg curls
3 warm up sets squats*bar,95,135x10*
3 working sets squats*185x9,225x6,225x6*
3 sets leg press*380x10,580x10,760x5*
3 working sets leg extensions*70x14,90x12,100x10*drop to 50x10,50x10*
2 sets stiff legged deadlifts*110x8,110x8*
6 sets seated calf raises*45x15(2),90x10(2),135x6(2)


Jeff Rodriguez said...

I didn't see your comment about Gold's Gym on Christmas till now. Yes, its the one by Lake Merritt. Its an okay gym, but I like 24 hour on Webster better.

Aero said...

oh it's cool,
I've heard mixed reviews about that Golds.
mostly about it being a place to socialize.
one day I'll stop in there.