Saturday, November 24, 2007

Thanksgiving Back/Biceps

pre/during workout

10 g BCAA's in crystal light
zero carb full throttle

30 mins recumbent bike
12 mins tread mill
20 mins recumbent bike
total cardio=62 mins

5 sets supported hanging knee ups


2 warm up sets pulldowns w/ez bar med underhand grip*120x8,150x8*
2 working sets pulldowns w/ez bar med underhand grip*190x6,220x6*
1 warm up sets bent over bb rows*135x12*
2 working sets bb rows*185x10,225x6*
3 sets seated rows w/D handles*220x8,260x6,280x5*drop to 200x6*
2 sets HS high row machine*160x7,180x7*drop to 135x5* lbs per side*
4 sets altern. DB curls*10x10,20x10,35x8,45x5*
2 sets ez bar curls*100x5,100x6*drop to 65x6*
2 sets preacher curl machine*50x22,70x20*drop to 30 to failure* done unilaterally*
2 sets one arm high cable curls*50 lbs to failure*

stretching,icing my back

2 scoops whey in gatorade
5 g BCAA's in crystal light
MEAL#2 thru MEAL#5
ate lots of thanksgiving foods!

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